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8 Things to Consider While Redesigning a Website for Your SaaS Business

The SaaS market segment continues to grow exponentially as more and more companies adopt SaaS solutions to ease various business operations.

As of 2021, companies typically use 110 SaaS solutions on average, which has increased 1,275 percent since 2015.

Yet, however, SaaS companies are spending the highest on marketing and sales, constituting 50 percent or more of their revenue.

But a well-designed website for your SaaS business can help reduce your costs. It is the single most crucial marketing tool and your digital storefront.

But if your website is neither reducing costs nor increasing revenue and is bringing mediocre results, it’s time to redesign your website.

So, in this article, you will discover tips to redesign your SaaS website successfully. But, first, let us examine more reasons why you might need to redesign it.

Reasons why you need to redesign your website

Before you start redesigning your website, take a step back and reflect on issues with the current one.

To name a few:

  • The website no longer represents everything you offer
  • It has low or reduced organic traffic
  • You get fewer leads, or they are not converting at your expected rate
  • It is not delivering on other metrics and outcomes you expect

8 Tips to redesign your website

Reconstructing a website is no easy feat. So here’s a step-by-step guide to help you revamp your site efficiently and effectively.

1. Conduct research and current analysis

Assessing your current website helps determine what’s working, what’s not working, and why. First, take a deeper look at your value proposition, services, content, structure, and design.

Then, conduct further research by interacting with users in some capacity for insights with a survey over email, user interview, and so on.

2. Competitive analysis and research trends

Seek inspiration from competitors’ websites and see what’s working for some major players in your industry. Search, load, and navigate through their websites for deeper analysis.

Explore new ideas by researching the latest UI/UX trends, features, and design qualities through the internet.

3. SWOT analysis

Uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your current website so you can prioritize implementing or removing certain elements in the redesign process.

SWOT analysis will also identify threats from competitors and new opportunities for your business that weren’t considered before.

4. Set your goals

Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals you want to accomplish by restructuring your website.

However, not all objectives directly translate to business success. For instance, your website traffic is growing but are you attracting the right traffic? So beware of vanity goals traps!

5. Share a wireframe

Put the ideas you have generated into a wireframe and share with stakeholders for review. Use pen and paper or digital site mapping tools.

It provides a clear outline of the new site structure, design, information architecture, and how the UX would look.

6. Work on quality content

This step involves putting together all the content required for your new website. You can reuse or update old content and create fresh content as needed. Ensure that your content is optimized for both your target audience and search engines (SEO).

7. Design your website

It’s finally time to implement your ideations and design the website. It is the first impression of your organization for the users. So ensure it isis engaging and intuitive with unobtrusive user onboarding. Choose a minimalistic design, easy-to-understand statements, and simple workflows.

8. Test and evaluate

It is crucial to always test your design before launching. It helps identify errors and check performance, usability, compatibility on multiple devices and offers scope for optimization.

Ever-changing customer needs

We hope this article gives you a great start on redesigning the website for developing your SaaS product. However, you should revisit your website regularly to meet ever-changing customer needs, add the newest trends, or optimize with advanced technologies.

But with the above suggestions in mind, you’ll always have a thriving website, even in today’s competitive web landscape.

Abdout the author: Hardik Shah is a Tech Consultant at Simform, a leading web app development company. He leads large scale mobility programs that cover platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices. Connect with him to discuss the best practices of software methodologies @hsshah_.

Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash

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