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7 Ways to promote equality & inclusion in the workplace

The core ideas behind inclusion and equality in the workplace are to make sure that everyone in a team has equal rights, opportunities, and fair treatment regardless of their differences.

If employers actively promote these concepts in their organizations, this can bring a whole range of benefits both for individuals and the company in general.

To name a few, the benefits include:

  • Friendlier atmosphere;
  • More trusted relationships;
  • Better self-esteem of employees;
  • Higher productivity;
  • Simpler and more productive teamwork.

All in all, the benefits go down to the main goal of helping people of all backgrounds come together in a team and work together to achieve success, thus, helping your business thrive.

But how to create such an environment? You will be surprised by how easy it can be to foster equality and diversity, of course, only if you know the right steps. And we are here to show you the way! Find the top seven tips and tricks below.

Develop the Right Policies
Before you can put certain expectations on your employees, it is vital that you match the company’s policies first. An organization that doesn’t have any specific policies concerning discrimination can’t really build an inclusive environment.

Thus, the first tip for creating the ideal workplace is to put the right policies in place. To do this, make sure that they state clear rules and expectations concerning how everyone should be treated in everyday activities.

Hire Wisely
In order to create the right environment, you also have to put the right people into it. Therefore, another way to embrace differences and ensure everyone is treated fairly is to change your approach to the recruitment process.

Namely, the first thing to change is the criteria you use when hiring. While most employers think in standardized categories like age and work experience, try to focus on objective criteria instead. Hire based on valuable merits to eliminate bias.

For example, when there is bias, employers may not be willing to hire a student, believing they are too busy or inexperienced to handle the job. The idea is to evaluate merits above everything else.

That is if it’s a student whose talent and merits match your company’s objective criteria, go for it. After all, a student can always use an academic essay writing service to get enough time for work. And, you might be surprised by how effectively you will handle recruitment using this trick.

Recognize and Eliminate Unconscious Bias
Each of us has certain biases that are solely unconscious. And, even if it doesn’t grow into a real problem, it is vital that you know how to recognize and address them.

One trick we can share with you is to use an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to be aware of your employees’ (as well as your own) unconscious biases. This test can help you easily identify the potential causes of discrimination in the workplace, such as race, gender, religion, age, disability, etc.

Knowing what prejudices there might be will help you eliminate potential problems.

Encourage Tactful Communications
Though many people tend to turn a blind eye to it, words can really hurt. Sometimes, even more than anything else. Therefore, another effective way to create an inclusive and equal workplace is to encourage the right form of communication inside a team.

This may include eliminating both intentional and unintentional stereotyping, sexist or discriminatory language, as well as sloppiness or carelessness towards co-workers, subordinates, and, actually, anyone who crosses the threshold of your office.

Discuss Challenges and Search for Solutions
Another effective tactic is to ensure there is always open communication concerning the situation inside a team. Try holding weekly briefings to encourage staff members to share ideas, discuss challenges, and learn from each other.

Make Sure There Is No Place for Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination is a very complex concept that can be rather hard to recognize and fight against. Nevertheless, it can create a sense of inequality and make certain people feel vulnerable and, thus, unconfident in the workplace.

How to change this? First of all, you should start by eliminating indirect discrimination from the company’s rules and policies. For example, if you are requiring your employees to have a “clean-cut,” this can be considered as indirect discrimination of those people who might have long hair due to religious beliefs. This is just one example of the many. But, hopefully, it will help you grasp the idea.

Be the Role Model
Lastly, one more tip and, probably, the most effective one is to always start with yourself. Expecting your team to eliminate discrimination and inequality is not quite right until you learn to get rid of your own biases.

Thus, if you want to make a real change, change yourself first. Be proactive and show others in the team what it should be like to act and talk bias-free. You will be surprised by how much having the right role model can help your employees change their own attitudes.

To Sum Up
After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of the importance of creating an inclusive work environment with equality for all. And, what is even more important, you have all the tools you need to make this real.

Hopefully, it was helpful. Now, all you need is to try the tips and steps we shared in practice and, soon, you will notice positive changes and gain the first benefits.

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