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How to Automate eLearning Process: 5 Features to Save Time and Money

Here are 5 LMS automation features that help eLearning businesses scale up by saving time and money. 

5 eLearning Automation Features to Save Time and Money

The eLearning industry has been growing rapidly for the past few years. The COVID-19 virus has become an unfortunate reality for many organizations. Since then, different learning management systems (LMS) appeared on the market and offered a wide range of features.

In 2021, the eLearning market size reached $315 billion. It is projected to have an annual growth of 20 percent by 2028, which is driven by the increasing demand for online training programs, thanks to their convenience and flexibility over traditional classroom learning methods.

eLearning automation is a way to save time and money in the long run. However, while the benefits of eLearning are clear, it can be difficult to keep up with all the options available on the market today.

In this guide, we’ll talk about the five most popular features of automated eLearning platforms, and we’ll help you decide whether LMS is right for your business.

1. Enrollment Automation

According to the statistics, there are almost 74 million LMS users. And we know that this number will only keep growing.

Automation of enrollment is an essential feature for a better LMS experience. It enables the automatic upload of users in the LMS based on data from the company’s HR system. It means you can avoid manual uploads of users with a CSV and time-consuming training sessions for employees.

This feature is especially useful if your company has lots of employees who need to be trained on eLearning courses to perform their tasks more effectively or comply with new regulations.

It also comes in handy if you want to ensure that all users have access only to those courses they need – not just to save time but also money on unnecessary purchases of licenses or subscriptions. To learn more about how this feature works, contact Diversido experts today!

2. Email Notifications

There are many ways to notify students about their progress and achievements. The most popular method is via email. It’s convenient for students and teachers.

With an LMS, you can send emails inviting students to join the course. You can also use this tool to remind them of upcoming deadlines or important dates.

You can customize emails according to the needs of your educational processes and activity tracking system. You can also send trigger emails supporting involvement in educational activities.

Types of Automated LMS-Related E-mails

There are several types of automated emails that your LMS can send:

Course Enrollment. It’s a welcome email sent to the learner after they have enrolled in a course. It includes information like what they can expect from the course, its duration, and any additional resources that might be useful.

Course Completed. It’s an acknowledgment email sent once all assignments within a course are marked complete by learners and instructors.

Quiz/Discussion/Assignment submission. This type of email goes out whenever users need to submit something like an assignment on the platform.

Course evaluation rejection/acceptance. As instructors review submissions, they can respond directly via automated emails rather than having to manually send out feedback. It saves time for instructors and reduces stress levels among learners who would otherwise wait longer for replies.

Upcoming webinar/class reminders. It’s an easy way to remind your learners about the upcoming webinar or class they signed up for. You can also use this email to tell them about any changes, like a new location or time.

Course expiration. These notifications are sent automatically when a course expires, prompting users who have already purchased access to renew their subscriptions.

Upselling. These emails encourage users who have already purchased access to upgrade their accounts by offering them more features or content.

Those are only some of the popular automated emails that you can customize to fulfill your business’s needs.

3. Self-Help Knowledge Base

The self-help knowledge base is a common feature among businesses that want to scale their eLearning process. If you are among them, you also might want to decrease the number of appeals to the support team.

Most users don’t want to write to the support department because it takes time and effort – they rather find answers on their own. A good example is an extensive FAQ section.

With comprehensive help sections on your website, users will find all possible answers about your product or service. There are many solutions for a self-help knowledge base.

Some companies create it themselves, others – with the help of development agencies like Diversodo. You can also use ready-made software solutions like Slab.

4. Automation of LMS Reports or Analytics for Clients

You may want to start tracking the performance of your learners to see how they learn the information. If you have a lot of clients, it could be difficult for each one to manually check in every day and get their reports.

An automated system will give you immediate access to data on all your learners from one place. If one of your clients needs some data on their students’ progress or wants something custom-made, like a dashboard interface with eLearning analytics, it all can be done without involving manual labor.

You can even set up a custom schedule where reports are automatically emailed or sent via PDFs so that users no longer have to wait for you to finish entering data into an Excel file.

5. Integration with Supporting Apps and Sites

Integration with other apps and sites can be vital to ensure that your LMS is providing a coherent experience and delivering the right information at the right time.

For example, many learners are involved in educational activities not just through their learning management system but also via social media like Facebook Messenger, Discord, and WhatsApp.

By integrating your learning management system with these tools, it’s possible to automate enrollment using APIs from the various tools. Then, you will be able to send relevant information to users through those channels whenever they log into your LMS.

SSO technology can also be used so that when a student logs into their course on your LMS, they’re automatically logged in at other supporting services.

Some More Advice in Conclusion

There are many ways to automate eLearning. Choose a platform depending on what your needs are and how much customization you want. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go all-in with one solution. It also might make sense to use several tools at once.

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