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How to Keep Your Resumé Updated in a Tech-Led World

A resumé is a document created, maintained and used to show a person’s skills and qualifications for a specific position.

Resumés create an impression of who you are to a potential employer.  To stand out from the others, you need to find an appropriate format that will present all your expertise and skills. Choose a resumé that will showcase all that you have to offer.

It should be easy to read, and illustrate all your working experience. Also include your name, contact information, relevant skills, personal summary and education.

In this article, we have outlined how you can create  an eye-catching resumé.

Include What You Are Learning

There are limited possibilities in the tech industry, and you need to learn something new every day as it keeps on changing. If you only add course you have finished, and your college degree in the education section, you will be limiting your resume and therefore your chances of finding a job.

According to here, you will find short courses that will help you enhance your skills. It is advisable to emphasize what you are learning so that companies will know what you have to offer.

Make sure you keep advancing your skills.

Add Your Tech Extracurricular

Showing passion for the field you choose is key to getting a job. Showing your employer your love for tech will help you show them you are not just in for a paycheck, but it’s something you enjoy doing.

Include all your volunteering experience, or maybe a website that you have built. This is proof of your interest and knowledge in the tech world.

Add Links to Your Professional Profiles

Due to advancements in technology, many people now have their professional profiles online, which potential employers can learn more about their skills. Always include links to your social media accounts and other sites which have your resumé.

Remember to update your online resumés from time to time. You can also add links to projects you have done or a link to your website.

Make Sure Your Resumé Stands Out

Many companies have automated online application systems. Update your resumé to fit the systems and up your chances of getting a job.

Using a specific keyword relevant to what you are applying for is one of the best ways to do this. When applying for a job, pay attention to what the company is about.

Additionally, the language in your resumé should match the language in the job posting. If you decide to design your resumé using your tech skills, make sure it is still machine-readable. Always customize your resumé to the industry you want to join, and be clear and concise.

Updating your resumé should be a regular habit to help capture your potential employer’s interest. You should make sure your resumé distinguishes your technical skills from core skills.

Do not exaggerate your profile summary to get a job that you are not qualified for. You should also remove any outdated information from your resumé instead of talking about your goals and needs.

It is also advisable to speak about your qualifications and your advanced tech skills. Updating your resumé will help you identify areas you need to improve; updating it regularly also saves you time.

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