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8 Foolproof Ways to Keep Your Remote Team on the Same Page

Keeping your remote team on the same page as you and your other team members is so important if you want a happy, healthy team that is efficient and gets results.

Many businesses are having to implement remote teams this year, and it looks like things might stay this way for a while. This can certainly suit some team members, and they may not need any assistance at all to get into the swing of things.

However, remotely is not for everybody, so providing support and tools to get these people on the right level is crucial. Here are 8 foolproof ways to get your remote team on the same page.

Create An ‘Online Watercooler’ Where They Can Chat

Creating an “online watercooler” where everybody can still chat could help to keep that team feeling in place. Your team should be able to build a rapport with one another if they need to discuss various elements of projects and do so in a productive, friendly manner.

Having a place they can chat outside of the work environment could help – even a Facebook group could work. This will also add to that ‘team’ feeling and the feeling of being a part of something bigger than one’s self.

Create A Process

Having workflows that everyone can follow is key, and will ensure that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing – no confusion.

Everyone should have a clear understanding of the process, so create a master document that your team members can refer to should they need pointing in the right direction.

You could also have a workflow specific for every team.

Get The Right Tools in Place For Your Teams

The right tools can make a huge difference to how productive your team can be. Task management, time tracking, reporting, communication, and collaboration are all things that the right tools can help with, and making sure they know how to do simple things like share screen could make a huge difference, too.

With the right software and tools, they will be able to stay connected with everything and ensure there are no crossed wires.

Understand Your Team’s Communication Needs

Picking your communication style will help you to ensure you’re meeting your team’s communication needs.

Knowing your team’s communication needs and adopting a specific style will make you more relatable and ensure they stay happy.

Bear in mind that emails are often a preferred method of contact for remote teams, but you can also use Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts or any other tool you find usually.

There’s also potential for you to make occasional wellbeing calls to make sure that everybody has what they need and can raise any concerns if they feel they need to.

This will give them another opportunity to address work related issues, but make sure they can also let you know anonymously if needs be.

Adopt A Flexible Approach When It Comes To Time Management

Individuals tend to have different peak productivity hours, so become aware of this and adopt a flexible approach. Assume that most people will be able to identify these hours themselves, and let them know that providing things are done by the deadline, it’s fine.

Things like reporting and daily check ins should have a fixed process, but giving them the freedom to get things done within deadlines where they feel they will help their motivation levels and outlook.

Provide Support

The success of your team can very much depend on the culture that you cultivate. A toxic environment can kill your team productivity – and this can happen even if your team is working remotely.

Everyone should feel welcome, comfortable to work, and valued so you should provide support in all aspects of their work. It can be easy to put this on the backburner, doing it for a bit and then letting it slide – don’t.

If you value your team and their work, you need to let them know. Employees often complain of a lack of managerial guidance and communication, and this can cause anxiety for members working alone.

Private coaching sessions could give you the opportunity to review team performance, discuss their weaknesses, and help them to grow.

Create A Team Feeling

Creating a team feeling can take far more effort with remote teams, but it’s worth it for the benefits that it can have.

Take the time to share your vision, and let your team know that what they are doing is making a big difference to the grand scheme of things. Host virtual get togethers, and don’t always make them work related.

You could have quizzes and things to keep things fun and light. Find ways to celebrate everyone’s efforts, and try to celebrate occasions like birthdays and work anniversaries too.

Make Your Expectations Clear

Make sure your expectations are as clear as possible. Each and every team member should be aware of their area of responsibility, expected performance, deadlines, and what will happen if these things are not fulfilled.

They should know that their individual contributions really do affect business outcomes, so ensure your requirements are explicitly known.

How Will You Keep Your Remote Team On The Same Page?

While your remote team may enjoy some benefits from working at home, such as boosted efficiency, enhanced independence, workflow optimization, and increased savings, making sure you keep everybody in the loop and cultivate a great culture is important.

Without taking the steps that we have outlined above, members of your team may begin to feel alienated, their productivity levels and work quality will drop, and chances are, they’ll consider leaving.

This can happen in a flash, too, so try not to put the above pointers on the backburner.

Isolation is a huge issue for members of remote teams, so making the effort to keep everybody connected will do your business the world of good. It’s a little harder to achieve with remote teams, but it can be done.

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