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12 Things You Should Know To Grow Your Digital Business

It can take a lot of work to turn a small idea into a fully fledged business, but even then, the work isn’t over. You need to get serious about growing your business and making sure it has what it takes to last.

Below are 12 things you should know to grow your digital business. Take a look and see what you can do.

1. Fuel Your Email Marketing Campaigns

There are a number of growing messaging platforms, but that doesn’t mean we no longer need emails. Building an email marketing list is so important, and although it takes time, it’ll be worth it in the long run.

When you have a list, create content and show people that they should choose you. You can test out various email campaigns and see which work best with your customers.

Picture credit: Les Finances

2. Keep an Eye On Your Analytics

Keeping an eye on your analytics, especially simple analytics for digital business can help you to ensure you’re going in the right direction. If you don’t track or pay attention to your analytics you are simply guessing whether things are going the way you want them to go.

3. Set your SEO strategy

An SEO Strategy is your bread and butter when growing your business online. Showing up on the first page of search results isn’t something that is going to happen naturally or without a big effort on your part.

In order to rank organically in search over time, you’ll need to put the effort into writing high quality content. PPC can help you in the meantime. In the long run, an organic SEO strategy is worth it.

4. Use Social Media To Your Advantage

You can’t choose not to build a presence on social media if you want to grow your business. Being social is crucial if you want business success.

Figure out which social networks your audience can be found on and which networks are best for your kind of content. You can increase your following by making sure you cross promote your accounts in your emails, newsletters, and blog posts.

Image from pexels

5. Come Up With A Content Marketing Strategy

Make sure you establish yourself as a thought leader by creating quality content that people really want to read. You shouldn’t just focus on one type of content either, but figure out different types that work for your niche.

You can create videos, webinars, infographics, and more. Whatever you do, make sure you’re providing clear value, answering questions, and making it shareable.

6. Don’t Underestimate The Power of Promotions and Discounts

Small incentives can keep your customers coming back for more. What will get their attention? You could do a bundle promotion, gift, or free trial, for instance. Something small can show your audience that you appreciate them.

7. Try Affiliate Marketing

An affiliate marketing program can be a great revenue stream for businesses just starting out. Simply choose the network that best fits your business and then offer your affiliates the materials they need to promote your products.

8. CRO Can Make A Huge Difference To Your Bottom Line

Conversion rate optimization is a method of understanding what your customers do before they buy so you can improve it. Start by analyzing your sales process and check your funnel to see if your visitors get distracted along the way.

You want to remove as many barriers as possible. Call to action buttons, landing pages, and similar things can all be tested to see if they can improve sales.

Image from pexels

9. Don’t Neglect Mobile

You can’t afford to have a website that isn’t mobile optimized anymore. Many online shoppers use their mobile devices to search for a product before purchasing.

Make sure your customers can access your online store right from their pockets. Mobile is the future, so make sure you’re on board.

10. Try Remarketing

Many businesses struggle with shopping cart abandonment. Remarketing ensures you can recapture the attention of buyers who don’t complete these purchases with emails showing them what they left behind.

They already considered buying your products and were very close to the finish line, so maybe all they need is an email from you reminding them.

11. Build A Brand Community

Building a brand community is totally achievable and something many businesses do, whether B2B or otherwise. Many brand communities are being built out there, and these communities not only get involved with business offerings but connect with the brand, too.

Gathering small groups of people who have the same values as your business is the easiest way to get started. You definitely don’t need to worry about a global program to begin.

See if you can get people involved over email, and see if anybody would be willing to come to events.

12. Revisiting Your Landing Pages

Creating landing pages as part of a digital marketing campaign is supposed to ensure that people who visit it decide to work with you, or at least come back.

If your landing pages aren’t very inviting at the moment, then you need to consider the design and the content.

Your call to action could make a big difference, but you’re still going to need things like PPC to help you to grow and move forward. You could even consider buying sponsorships with other companies, or even just old fashioned email marketing.

When it comes to your CTA’s, make sure you include one on your homepage, at the end of your blog posts, and anywhere else it makes sense.

Growing your digital business is by no means easy or something that happens quickly. You need to make sure you focus on each of the points above, as well as anything that may be relevant to your individual business to ensure growth and longevity over time.

If you try to rush things and grow your business too fast, you may have some success but then struggle to scale. If you take your time you can make sure that you’re prepared for any changes that come your way.

Thanks for reading!

Images by fauxels from Pexels

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