Robotics & Automation News

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Why investing in robotic packaging automation is right for your business

Robotics packaging is being applied to an increasing number of industries as the advantages of robotics in packaging automation have become evident and identified as the future of production line packaging.

Production line automation allows companies to create efficiencies without sacrificing craftsmanship or quality. Using robotic package automation will reducing staff injury and provide the scope for expanding operations with accuracy and consistency.

Packaging robots are easily integrated into a workspace and perhaps the greatest benefit is that by using robotic packaging automation it reduces packaging time, it has the ability to lift larger items, automation means reduced labour costs and staff are free from time-consuming, repetitive and often dangerous manual tasks. 

When operating any business, being mindful of costs is one of the key ways to maximize sales potential and with an automated production line the human error is reduced, production levels are maintained, and the end product remains at a consistently high level.

While robotic packaging automation takes the manual labour out of the process, it does not eliminate the need for great staff. Automation simply provides an opportunity to remove the repetitive, unskilled tasks that are critical to meeting production needs and provides avenues to allocate more important tasks to optimize the production processes.

What are the advantages of robotic automation over humans in the packaging industry

In today’s market companies are looking to leverage their strengths to gain the competitive edge and robotic automation provides packaging flexibility to grow with the trends and to remain current.

Robots are consistent, reliable fast, efficient and require minimal maintenance. A single robot can perform the tasks of multiple humans in far less time and with greater accuracy which means productivity is increased and labour cost reduced.

• Flexibility and accuracy

Robotics packaging automation software is designed to mimic human movements such as picking and placing items, handling products, palletising and packing cases which becomes a precision process. Robots are outfitted with slim arms and wide reach and are built with durable repeatability capabilities and precise tooling makes them accurate.

Flexibility in robotic automation means a time-consuming task that was previously performed manually can now be done in seconds such as a line operator can quickly change the outline for a case or pallet by a simple computerized instruction. This makes robotics automation ideal for a variety of industrial applications in packaging and supply chain operations.

• Consistency and reliability

A robot arm can work at a high speed for 70,000 hours or more before requiring maintenance. Robot packaging machines are capable of improving the product quality as well as cycle time as their movements are standardized, quality of packaging improves and operations become seamless.

Before you invest in Robotic Packaging Automation consider the below 5 key points

  1. Robotic packaging automation has helped transform many business operations towards growth using the latest packaging handling automation technology. It’s vital that all aspects of your process are considered as a whole and how the automation can be productively integrated.
  2. Choose the right Robotics System: There are many different robotics systems available so start by asking yourself if you need repeatability or accuracy as your key performance indicator? Two very different outcomes so determine where in your packaging system you see the largest need for integrating this technology and choose the one that specifically meets the needs of your company packaging requirements both now and in the future.
  3. Correct Implementation means greater success: Robotic technology can be designed perfectly for a business, but implementation from humans is key. Without end users who understand and appreciate the technology, the production capabilities are limited.
  4. Be Specific: Robot technology is impressive, and robots are currently performing many functions previously performed by humans. However, expecting a robot to facilitate multiple functions or overestimating of the robot’s capabilities can lead to increased maintenance costs and lost productivity.
  5. Understand Automation Technology: Robotics Technology is almost limitless and taking the time to fully understand the capabilities will greatly increase the potential of a business that relies on packaging to produce a superior quality packaged product and exceed their expectations for growth.

It’s obvious to see the advantages and opportunities in investing in robotic packaging automation, the possibilities are exciting but can be overwhelming, so start by evaluating your current system, map out where in your packaging process is the greatest need and a potential integration point to expand your production line that includes robotic packaging automation.

If you need help or more information we have extensive experience in the provision of fully integrated robotics automation systems to accommodate a wide range of packaging applications across numerous industries.

So, if you are looking to invest in robotic packaging automation or you’re in the market to buy protective packaging and would like to find out how you can gain key operational advantages in your industry, improve packaging quality, reduce cost and increase overall productivity take the time to learn the systems available to you and do your due diligence.


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