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Reduce Automation Risks – With Timly’s Maintenance Planning Software

A maintenance planning software helps those responsible to coordinate maintenance and inspection appointments in a time-saving manner.

Embedded in the Timly inventory solution, a digital file can be created on request, in which all important information about machines and systems can be found.

Keeping an eye on machines and systems with the maintenance planning software

Increasing automation of work processes is a trend that can hardly be reversed. This makes inspections and maintenance that guarantee the smooth functioning of the work equipment used all the more important.

Central planning is of particular importance here. As a rule, machines with different maintenance intervals have to be taken into account. Likewise, the obligations for inspection differ according to the various occupational health and safety regulations.

To avoid unnecessary disruption of production processes, it is advisable to use software for maintenance management. Specialised software makes it possible to link all dates.

Timly’s maintenance planning software also notifies those responsible by email in a timely manner. This facilitates scheduling and minimises the risk of work or checks that are due being overlooked.

Using Excel as a maintenance planning software is no longer an alternative

For static data collection, Excel is the first choice in most companies. The widespread spreadsheet programme can cover an astonishing range of functions by integrating formulas and scripts.

However, it has its limits, especially when it comes to multi-user capability. Moreover, the software is not based on a database. It is only possible to work with the entire database.

This means that sheets quickly become confusing and are difficult to edit if entries are not to be made in the office on the large monitor, but on site after the work has been carried out.

Modern inventory software such as Timly is designed as a cloud service and uses a powerful database. Inputs and queries are processed in real time. Only an internet connection is required for access.

The provider takes care of the DSGVO-compliant server setup. An integrated user administration ensures the necessary data protection. Stored information can be accessed from any location without further requirements. Be it in the workshop or on assembly at the customer’s site.

Maintenance planning – App as a central element

Working with apps that have been optimised for specific tasks has prevailed in many areas for good reason. Employees usually have a smartphone with them anyway and are practised in using their mobile device.

Timly therefore offers an inventory app for smartphones and tablets. When entered into the inventory system, each asset receives a QR code that can be used to call up the device profile.

This only has to be scanned in the app. The camera of the device serves as a barcode scanner. In this way, every employee can see without effort when taking over a machine or a tool whether it is in proper condition or whether maintenance is due.

In addition, almost any documents can be stored in the profile of a work equipment. These can be maintenance instructions and checklists. If desired, fillable PDF documents can also be used to document inspections and tests that have been carried out.

This saves the cumbersome handling of forms on paper, which are difficult to write on on site in environments often characterised by dirt or weather conditions. All information is available in real time at the responsible offices.

There is no need for subsequent transmission or digitisation. All checks and repairs remain permanently stored in the digital file. For example, all the necessary protocols are always available, even in the case of occupational health and safety inspections.

Maintenance planning software: Hardly feasible free of charge

A device file usually also contains personal data, such as the names of examiners or persons responsible. Therefore, the data protection regulations of the GDPR apply, which place strict requirements on the location and security of the server used.

For example, the storage capacities may only be located within the European Union. In addition, the recognised technical standards for protection must be comprehensibly adhered to.

Regular further development of the software and provision of security updates should also be a matter of course in a professional environment. These requirements cannot normally be met free of charge. Timly exclusively uses cloud servers in Germany.

A permanent team of developers ensures that new features are permanently added. Often in consultation with customers. The support team helps with any errors that occur.

Maintenance planning software free of charge? Full version at an advantage

It is not always appropriate to use a pure schedule management system as a maintenance planner. Other important information must then be linked manually. For example, no locations are visible in the calendar.

Instructions and documentation of the maintenance must also be managed separately in this case. This creates unnecessary work and increases the risk of mistakes being made.

With inventory management software such as Timly, there is only one uniform software in the company for existing requirements around the management of assets of any kind. Timly answers all the information on the topic of inventory that is necessary for daily work.

Basic question: Which software is best?

Highly specialised software is often offered for a specific industry. For example, there is software that is optimised for the medical sector or programmes that focus on the requirements of craftsmen.

Timly’s inventory software takes a different approach. It is based on the principle that inventory management in different disciplines hardly differs.

In each case, it is a matter of being able to store necessary information and make it available – intelligently linked. Therefore, Timly uses very flexible device profiles.

Due to the customisable parameters, these are suitable for storing rather static objects such as furniture, as well as for managing machines and vehicles. This is combined in each case with convenience functions such as automatic appointment management or GPS location of work equipment.

Maintenance planning software: Choose wisely

If software is purchased to manage maintenance appointments, this has a long-term impact on work processes in the company. The effort of recording all assets for the first time should only occur once if possible.

Therefore, it is advisable to test candidates thoroughly beforehand. For example, Timly offers a free test phase for its inventory solution that includes the full range of functions. This allows interested parties to see for themselves whether the software is suitable for supporting their own work processes.

Download Maintenance Planning software free of charge? Professional software has its price

The more often software is used in a company, the more the costs become relative. Measured against the price of purchasing professional software, the loss of working time due to using software that is not suitable for one’s own needs has a much greater financial impact.

Therefore, the price of a software solution should not be the most important criterion. Rather, it is the suitability of the maintenance planning software for the needs of one’s own company.

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