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5 Common Staff Organization Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Failing to properly organize staff is one of the biggest reasons companies get into trouble. They struggle to overcome employee management issues and end up being less successful than they hoped.

What causes this to happen?

Well, you’re about to find out. This post explores some common staff organization mistakes you’re probably making right now and how to avoid them. Often, it is just simple things that cause you to fall off the bandwagon and lose your ability to coordinate what’s happening in your organization.

Mistake #1: Failing to Set Clear Roles and Responsibilities

One of the biggest sources of team confusion and conflict is failing to set clear roles and responsibilities for people. If staff members don’t know what they are meant to do or who they should report to, then problems will arise.

You don’t want teams of people doing redundant work, wasting valuable time and resources. Confusion and poor results are all that come from policies like those.

Fortunately, you can avoid it. Define and communicate the roles and responsibilities of each staff member clearly and regularly. Then, use job description tools, performance reviews, and feedback sessions to ensure everyone knows what you expect from them. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Mistake #2: Failing to Delegate Effectively

Delegation is one of the most effective tools available.


Because it helps your company leverage people and get more done.

Unfortunately, managers and leaders sometimes fail to delegate effectively. They try to do everything themselves, either because they don’t trust their staff, or because they think they can do it better or faster. Other times, they believe they can do it all better on their own, without trusting their hires.

The key here is to avoid the desire to micromanage which can lead to burnout and lower work quality. Even if your staff does work differently from how you might expect, that’s still okay, as long as it is getting done. People operate according to varying processes, and it’s not always clear which is best.

To avoid this problem, delegate tasks and projects based on the skills, interests, and availability of your staff. Provide them with clear instructions, deadlines, and resources. Check-in with them regularly to monitor their progress and provide feedback.

Spend time recognizing their achievements and assisting them in overcoming the challenges they face. A more hands-off approach gives them the space they need to work through their issues and find solutions.

Mistake #3: Not Communicating Effectively

When it comes to successful teams, communication is essential. Unfortunately, many managers and leaders fail to communicate in a productive way with their staff. They either communicate too much or too little, too formally or too casually, too vaguely or too bluntly.

They don’t take time to really listen to what their colleagues are saying, or their ideas. They simply march ahead with their plan, believing they have all the answers, leading to confusion, missed opportunities, and errors.

The key to solving this issue is to communicate with teams in the proper ways. Use a variety of channels and tools, such as emails, meetings, and chats, and prioritize urgent communication.

Be concise and constructive in messages, looking out for any nuance that your colleague might be trying to communicate to you. Listen actively and empathetically to what people say, trying to get into their shoes and see their business from their angle.

If you have workers outside of the office, use a Field Service App to manage text communications and job postings. Don’t rely on conventional telephone conversations as these can increase the likelihood of errors. Make effective communication a pillar of your organization, and something you aspire to.

Mistake #4: Failing to Provide Sufficient Training and Development

Not providing staff with sufficient training and development is another organizational mistake many companies make. Staff organization is not only about assigning tasks and projects but also about developing the skills and competencies of your staff members.

Once they have the right skills, they are far better equipped to get on with the job and generate the productive output firms want.

Unfortunately, many leaders and managers don’t fully comprehend the value of training and development, skipping it in favor of other projects.

They don’t fully assess their staff’s strengths and weaknesses, so they don’t help them advance in their careers, causing low productivity, boredom, and high turnover in the process.

Solving this problem is largely a matter of common sense. Start by providing regular training and development opportunities for your staff members. Identify their learning needs and goals. Find out how you can help them with their aspirations and interests, letting them chart a career that appeals to their unique gifts.

When they learn new skills, provide support enabling them to apply it to their work. When they reach various milestones, celebrate their progress. Play an active role in everything they do.

Mistake #5: Failing to Foster a Positive Team Culture

The last common mistake many firms make is failing to foster a positive team culture. Leaders often overlook this aspect of staff organization and, as such, don’t give staff members a sense of fun, belonging, and trust. They don’t appreciate their staff’s efforts or contributions and they fail to strike a healthy work-life balance for their colleagues.

Failing to address these issues leads to a host of problems, including conflict and general dissatisfaction. Workers wonder why their friends are in fun and collegiate businesses, but they are not.

Fortunately, you can also address this issue by creating a new team culture. Start with a shared vision and mission for the team and go from there. Set out your values and find people to join your organization who align with them.

Put policies in place that set out the norms for your team and how you want people to conduct themselves in the office.

You can also foster more social connections in team-building activities and social events. Just be careful, though, that these don’t get in the way of team members achieving a healthy work-life balance.

Main image by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash 

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