Robotics & Automation News

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Commercial Drone Usage: 7 Notable Applications

Multiple industries across the world are realizing the potential of drones or beginning to understand how much these unmanned aerial vehicles offer.

What started out as a recreational activity quickly became a valuable asset to different industries. Let’s take a look at some of the most notable examples.

1. Delivery Services

One of the standout drone uses is their ability to overcome rough terrain and reach the destination. Commercial drones are revolutionizing delivery services. Even though locations are tough to reach, we can expect deliveries.

Drones also don’t have to waste time in traffic jams and other traffic obstacles. For quick deliveries, it’s much more efficient to rely on a drone than on a delivery truck that has to go through busy streets.

2. Corrosion Inspection

In large industrial infrastructure, corrosion inspection, as well as inspection for other potential damages, can become a costly issue. Not to mention safety hazards, such as expecting people to go to high places.

Drones offer a pragmatic solution. Equipped with modern sensors and cameras, they can do the work for you. In addition, state-of-the-art technology allows businesses to carry out non-destructive tests.

3. Agriculture

Considering how dependent we are on consistent food production, it’s up to the people running the agriculture industry to keep up with the increasing demand.

Agriculture is an industry that benefits from drones in multiple ways. The first is scanning the crops to check for pests. Smart sensors can detect problems from afar while surveying large areas.

The second benefit is watering the crops efficiently. By utilizing a drone, farms don’t have to invest as much in manpower, nor do they need to take as much time to cover the ground.

4. Aerial Photography

Real estate, journalism, marketing, moviemaking—you name it. Aerial photography is changing the way we see images.

Take movies, for instance. If you wanted to capture aerial shots, it would be common to rent a helicopter and hire a pilot. It’s obvious that replacing it with a drone is a much better alternative to a logistical nightmare that dealing with helicopters is.

Even if you are an amateur who does photography for fun or an aspiring artist/content creator, drones offer more opportunities to take shots and create inspiring content that you can share later with your audience.

5. Law Enforcement

To ensure the safety of people, law enforcement has to invest a lot of resources. Depending on how rough an area is, the police might lack the necessary funds.

Sometimes, letting potential culprits know that they are being watched is enough to discourage them from committing crimes.

Surveillance cameras are a given, but don’t underestimate drones. Law enforcement is doing its best to make the most out of drones while monitoring criminal activity from a distance.

6. Data Transmission

Some parts of the world have poor internet access. Companies are trying to figure out a solution to make the Internet more accessible.

Data transmission via drones could be the way to go. Compared to building a land-based infrastructure, a fully operational and wireless drone in the sky would be less expensive and potentially less disruptive.

7. Wildlife Monitoring

Tracking wildlife populations with humans on the ground is hardly a sufficient solution. Drones look to replace people in collecting data and tracking roaming animals.

And it doesn’t stop with just wildlife. Monitoring deforestation and other environmental problems is also more efficient in reacting in time and preventing further escalation.


To sum everything up, it can come as a surprise to see how applicable drones can be. Considering that the technology is still relatively new, we can expect to see even more examples of its application in the future.

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