Robotics & Automation News

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Compliance and Regulation in the Robotics Industry

From the main characters of science fiction books and movies, robots have suddenly become a part of our everyday reality. They count, write, cook, clean, build, and even perform surgeries.

Though it is too early to speak about the rise of machines, the robotics industry has already implemented some limitations for the robots it creates, including legal ones.

What does compliance mean when it comes to machines with intellect, and what regulations control their actions? Let’s discover!

What Is Legal Compliance in Robotics?

Legal compliance, in general, is about making sure you stay within the law. It means your actions, products, or services don’t break any rules or regulations. Within the realm of robotics, it refers to the design, production, and use of machines that can perform tasks.

Let’s consider a few examples:

1. Robots, especially those used in manufacturing or industrial settings, must be built in accordance to specific safety standards. They are like the ‘rules of the road’, guaranteeing that the robots are safe not only for the people who use them but also for those around them.

If a robot causes harm because it isn’t up to these standards, legal issues could arise.

2. Robots used in homes, like your robot vacuum cleaner or a personal assistant, have to respect privacy laws.

“How can they violate them?” you may ask. The problem is that the majority of machines you have in your house likely collect data as they go about their tasks.

For example, a robot vacuum cleaner could map your house as it cleans. The data collected by these robots must be protected and handled properly to ensure that your privacy is not invaded.

To learn more about how to protect your privacy and personal information and how to give other people consent to use your photos and videos, check, a reliable legal tech platform.

3. When we talk about autonomous (self-driving) cars, the legal compliance gets a bit more complicated. The car’s design and function must comply with traffic and safety laws.

Also, if an accident occurs, who is responsible? The manufacturer of the car, the software programmer, or the user?

4. If a robot malfunctions and damages property or causes injuries, questions of liability arise. The legal compliance here involves making sure insurance and accountability are clearly defined and taken care of.

Why Do Robots Need to Follow the Rules?

If robots are not going to rise, why should we make them follow some laws? There are several reasons for that:


This is the most obvious concern. Robots can be powerful and complex machines, and if they are not produced to meet specific safety regulations, they could cause accidents or even harm humans. If even a flashlight must be safe, more dangerous machines must be safe, too.

Just imagine a delivery robot that doesn’t follow regulations for traffic or pedestrian zones – it could potentially cause a traffic accident or injure people.


Robots, especially those for personal or home use, can have access to our personal information. Without strict privacy regulations, this data could be misused or get to the third parties.

Imagine a home assistant robot that records every conversation in your home and then sells that information to marketers or other people.

Ethics and fair use

Robots should be used ethically. For instance, if robots replace humans in certain jobs, there needs to be legal guidelines that set fair practices for employment and compensation.


Legal regulations can set a specific standard across all robots produced by different manufacturers. This can prevent a scenario where one manufacturer’s robot doesn’t work as expected because it doesn’t meet the same standards as another.


If something goes wrong, we need to know who’s responsible. Legal guidelines help determine who is liable in cases where a robot might cause damages. Is it the producer, the software developer, or the user?

Key Regulations in the Robotics Industry

The use of robotics is expanding in various fields like healthcare, military, agriculture, manufacturing, and at-home assistance. While there is not a direct, overarching “Robotics Law,” the field is regulated under certain existing bodies of law, such as:

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations: According to the FAA, all drone operators, including robots, must obtain a remote pilot certificate.

For instance, the FAA established Part 107 rules, under which pilots must keep unmanned aircraft within visual line-of-sight (VLOS) and avoid operating over people.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulations: The FCC regulates the radio frequencies that autonomously operating robots use for communication.

Certain bands of the electromagnetic spectrum are reserved for specific activities, and unauthorized use of these frequencies can lead to heavy fines.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulations: The FDA sets regulations for robots used in the medical field, like surgical robots.

It requires manufacturers to prove their product’s safety and effectiveness prior to releasing it into the market. An example would be the approval required for the da Vinci Surgical System.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations: OSHA sets safety standards for robots used in workplaces. They mandate risk assessments, training of employees, and establishment of safety protocols to provide a safe working environment.

Privacy laws: Robots, especially drones and AI assistant units, can collect large amounts of data. This can lead to privacy concerns, and thus, they are expected to comply with privacy laws such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Federal Wiretap Act.


Just like people abide by the laws, robots, even though they’re not independent individuals, should abide by the regulations. The latter are created to make the use of robots safe, ethical, comfortable, and correct.

Otherwise, what is meant to help people and make their lives easier, can turn into deadly uncontrolled and unpredictable machines that can hurt, steal personal information, and even fire you from your job. It’s not what one expects from a vacuum cleaner, is it?

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