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Small firms drive 68 percent of robotics integration, according to study

Qviro’s study of 4,290 integrators shows over 68 percent employ fewer than 50 people, revealing the major role of small firms in automation across Europe and North America

In an analysis conducted by, insights into the state of robotic system integrators across Europe and North America unveil a dynamic and evolving sector crucial to the advancement of industrial automation and robotics.

This comprehensive study categorizes 4,290 integrators by size and geographic location, highlighting the pivotal role these organizations play in deploying industrial robotics, machinery and collaborative robots across industries.

Key Findings

  • Over 68 percent of robotic system integrators employ fewer than 50 people.
  • Distribution by Size and Continent: The analysis reveals that small enterprises (10-49 employees) dominate the landscape, comprising approximately 44 percent of integrators in Europe and 40 percent in North America. Micro-enterprises (0-9 employees) are more prevalent in Europe, making up about 31 percent of the sector, compared to 23 percent in North America. This distribution underscores the challenges these smaller organizations face in allocating sufficient resources towards sales and marketing efforts to attract new clients.
  • Medium and Large Enterprises: Medium-sized enterprises (50-249 employees) have a stronger presence in North America, accounting for 34 percent of integrators, against Europe’s 25 percent. Large enterprises (250+ employees), while less common, play a significant role, especially in Europe, indicating a diverse ecosystem capable of large-scale industrial automation projects.

Challenges in finding the right automation partner

A consistent theme emerging from the study is the difficulty manufacturing businesses encounter in identifying the right local integrator. This challenge is exacerbated for smaller integrators struggling to gain visibility among potential clients.

The fragmented nature of the market, particularly in Europe, adds layers of complexity to this search, hindering efficient connections between businesses and suitable integrators.

The role of online communities

In addressing these challenges, the study highlights the significant potential of online communities like in facilitating connections within the industry.

By offering a platform for integrators to showcase their expertise and for businesses to find tailored solutions, such communities can bridge the gap, enabling more effective collaboration and innovation in the field of industrial robotics.


This analysis by sheds light on the vital contributions of robotic system integrators to industrial automation, revealing a market ripe with opportunities and challenges.

As the demand for advanced automation solutions, including collaborative robots, continues to grow, fostering a more connected and accessible ecosystem will be key to unlocking the full potential of this industry.

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