Robotics & Automation News

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How a VPN can Help in Industrial Applications?

Before we dive deeper into the topic of how industrial companies focusing on automation and robotics could use VPN to secure private connections, let’s start with the basics – the terms.

So, what is a VPN? In simple terms, it is an encrypted connection via the Internet from a device to a network that ensures that sensitive data is communicated safely. In industrial applications, VPN is used for low latency, time synchronization, high security, and large-scale deterministic networking support.

This post will look closely at how automation and robotics companies can use VPNs for their benefit.

VPNs in Automation

We all know that automation is critical in modern industrial settings, from manufacturing to logistics and agriculture. But how can this industry benefit from using VPN?

Well, we already know the basics: VPN establishes encrypted connections between devices. Here are a few examples of how VPNs enhance workflow in the automation industry.

Approval requests, mainly finance department deals, can involve a price tag of millions of dollars, meaning secure transactions are a must here.

So, to run the process smoothly and ensure streamlined operations, companies that use VPNs can ensure that such methods are safe, paperless, and effective. VPNs can save up to 75% of processing time, translating to 60 hours per week.

Another case of using VPNs in the automation industry is vendor management. For instance, postal services usually require different technologies and applications simultaneously.

This means that vendors must be sure they are transmitting information safely among their partners. Thus, VPNs are critical in providing safe communication within various systems.

Supplier onboarding also needs VPNs for seamless communication. Just imagine the many communication channels in one company: e-commerce, operations, marketing, finance, and retail.

The list can go on, but one thing is clear – VPNs ensure that end users always have safe connections to improve communication and boost supply chain management.

Other examples include quotations and claims processing.

VPNs in Robotics

Now, let’s move to robotics, which is known for developing technologically advanced machines that can carry out complex tasks with the correct command. Similarly to the automation industry, the key here is sensitive information that cannot be lost. So, how can robotics specialists use VPNs?

First and foremost, VPNs can be used to control robotic systems remotely. A remote robotics engineer could get a VPN download to access a robot’s control interface without fear of losing sensitive data.

What is more, robotics specialists can secure data transmission. Since robotics systems often generate large amounts of data, from customer information to key algorithms, VPNs will secure data transmission even on public networks. This, in particular, can protect a company’s intellectual property from potential cyber-attacks.

The other use of VPNs in the robotics industry is the interconnection of robotic systems. Multiple robotic systems are expected to need to communicate with each other and coordinate actions.

VPNs can secure the communication channel, prevent unauthorized access, and promote the integrity of data transmitted from one user to another.

Of course, access to cloud-based robotics services can also be managed through VPNs to ensure the safety of data storage, processing, and even machine learning. Plus, it also enhances the capabilities of robotic systems.

The bottom line is that data security is crucial in today’s digital age, no matter which industry you work in – robotics, automation, IT, or something else.

Using VPNs enhances security, safeguards critical information such as financial and business communications, and allows users to control business processes from home.

Not to mention that VPNs ensure that the data stays secure and prevent the potential of cyber attacks, which are highly common in every sector.

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